Everyday: Movie Review

is it worth seeing?

As an avid connoisseur of romantic movies with just the right amount of cheesiness, I was one of many who was excited to head out and see the new teen film “Everyday”.

The film follows the story of a high school girl who falls in love with a person who is in a different body every day. Going by the alias “A”, the un-gendered entity is an assumed teen as well, switching into bodies that are the age that correlates with the person’s existence, and the person grows as they do.

The movie has many cliche aspects, like fast love, running around in a field and spending the weekend together. But all of this is countered and made up for by the out-of-this-world concept of what “A” is and how a normal girl has fell in love with the individual.

I also appreciate how “A” switches into bodies of both genders. It adds a level of wonder and mystery to the entity and how exactly the individual came to be. It also shows support for the LGBTQ community by showing love conquers all as Rhiannon, the main girl lead, continues to love “A” no matter what body the individual occupies that day.

While I do appreciate the original concept of the movie. I found it hard to connect with the character “A”. Having no real appearance to make connections to, and at the end of it all not really knowing much about the individual, I found myself not really staying grounded with the character. When I was supposed to feel sad, I didn’t, and when happiness was supposed to well up inside me, I was nonreactive.

With all of this being said, it was a decent movie with a good casting choice. It had enough romance to keep me satisfied and the originality appealed to me. I did find myself still left with wonder at the end about where exactly “A” came from and how the individual’s life would turn out in the future.