Why A Princess?


Mai Rodriguez

Flickr user: Mai

Mia L., Staff Reporter

We all had dreams of being a princess
Tiaras and a prince to come with the package
our only job would be is to look pretty and to fall in love with any guy who saves us.
I’m sorry but right now I may destroy your childhood.
Your man Walt Disney got it a little wrong.
The beast was actually a man, a nobleman to be more exact named Petrus Gonsalvus with a disease called hypertrichosis where he grew a lot of hair.
His wife was a beautiful woman named Margaret, who at first was disturbed by his appearance but believe it or not fell in love with him because he was a true gentlemen.
Aurora was raped by a king and then she woke up giving birth to his twins.
When Ariel got her legs every step she took felt like shards of glass inside her body, and with her voice taken, her prince married another woman. Unable to kill him out of love to become a mermaid again she threw herself in the ocean and died.
Pocahontas was kidnapped and renamed Rebecca and used as a propaganda tool.
Tell me you would want to be a princess?
when you can be a queen in your own right.
sitting on a throne created by you from all the challenges life throws at you.
In name brand heels bought by you.
Wearing a crown on your head hand crafted by you.
Tell me again why you would want to be princess?
Remember that a prince must become a respectable king to stand by you.
Create a castle for yourself and give yourself the happily ever after.