The Life of Collin Bass

Insight into the daily activities of Collin Bass

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Photo by: Paige Romig

Senior Collin Bass dances at the Camo parade at Cy- Woods on September 6.

Almost everyone in high school thinks that they have a lot on their plate, and that compared to other people, their schedules are way more complex. What if there was a student at Cy Woods who is an athlete, a part of student council, a wild thing and has multiple jobs.

Collin Bass is doing a lot in his senior year, including a sport which he has been doing since 7th grade: cross country. 

“It is awesome. It is like a family, those boys are great guys. They make you want to work, get faster, get in better shape, and improve your mind,” Bass said.

Every day cross country practices are at 6:00 in the morning, and require a 30 minute run later that day. Most people would think that is the hardest part about the sport, but that is what the sport is about.

“It is running everyday. I know it is crazy because it is all we do, but it is hard. You have to stay focused and keep your mind on the goal, which is State,” Bass said.

Even with all of the activities he does on a daily basis, he makes it a priority to be important to the team.

“[Bass] brings leadership to the team and provides a positive and strong person for others to look up to. He is one that I feel leads by example and is willing to help wherever he is 

needed. He certainly demonstrates a lot through his work ethic, character, and trustworthiness,” 

cross country coach Gregory Zarate said.

Along with cross country, he is also the president of the student council.  Throughout elementary and middle school, he has been a part of student council, and now he is finally the man in charge.

“I always wanted to be in [student council]. I like making a difference in my school, being a voice for people who don’t want to use there voice and make sure everyone is heard,” Bass said.

With the responsibility of being the President of student council, [Bass] is in charge of a lot of the things that the school does. He has to make sure that everything is done properly.

“We do almost 70 projects a year, including homecoming, and I make sure they all get done 

smoothly. Although I’m not completely in charge of everything that happens in homecoming, we 

make sure everything, including the dress up days and parade, run smoothly,” Bass said.

Besides being in student council and cross country, he is also apart of the Wild Things. Just like in every other thing he does, he has a big impact on the group.

“He is so outgoing [and] friendly. He makes the group feel so empowered. He is very good at getting his opinion across, and making sure we all work together,” Wild Thing Samantha Steteler said.

Throughout  school everyday, all the Wild Things are always loud and energetic. They are always like that, even when preparing for game day.

“We get on the bus, jam out to some good music and get excited about the game,’’ Bass said.

At the games Collin and all the other Wild Things have responsibilities they need to do, but  nothing is more important to Collin than the tradition of running the 212 flag after scoring a touchdown.

“ Being able to run the 212 flag after touchdowns is a huge symbol for the school, and it is a huge honor being able to wave that flag in front of are huge crowd,” Bass said.

Along with cross country, student council and Wild Things, Bass also has multiple jobs.

“I have a couple of jobs. I work at Villa Sports, and I’m a housekeeper there. Me and my friends 

work there. We fold towels and make the club is looking nice. I’m also a private swim 

instructor for kids in my neighborhood swim team. I also have [a] mailbox business in my 

neighborhood, where I paint and repair mailboxes,” Bass said.

For most people, just thinking about doing all of these activities would drive them mad, but Bass never seems bothered.

“He is always keeping his cool. He is really good at managing everything that he does,” Stetler said.

His secret to doing all the things he does at a high level is no magic potion, but a theory.

“Just stay focused. Most of  the times when you are really busy, you get lost. You just gotta stay focused and be committed,” Bass said.

Even though doing all of these activities has been an extremely hard challenge on him, the lessons he has learned have been priceless. 

“It taught me that no matter how many friends you have, or how much your involved in, everyone is going through the same stuff. It doesn’t matter who you are or what your doing, just how much you love the people around you,” Bass said.