Spiderman: Homecoming

Is it worth it?

TeresaH, Online Editor

Image result for spiderman homecoming


Walking into the theatre, I had no expectations; I already liked Tom Holland as Spiderman, and I was already familiar with his character. Despite this, I still found myself surprised by how much I liked the movie and how different it was from the typical superhero movie. Of course, it still had the usual hero arc, but instead of being about an angsty and conflicted superhero, the plot existed in a lighter and softer New York. There were no “WE HATE SPIDERMAN” riots and the hero remained to be a likeable character. This all makes sense given that Spiderman is supposed to be a happy-go-lucky teenager and is not experiencing the world in the same way that most current superheroes are. Spiderman: Homecoming is somewhat reminiscent of older superhero movies except without lacking depth and being cheesy.

Image result for spiderman homecoming

After seeing Holland’s performance in Civil War and Homecoming, I have concluded that he is the best representation of Spiderman. He captured Peter Parker’s cheerfulness and awkwardness while still emulating a youthful energy. Spiderman still experienced inner turmoil, but (thankfully) his struggle didn’t take away from the spirit, comedy and fun. In some ways, Spiderman: Homecoming was a coming of age movie where the protagonist is learning about himself, his potential and his responsibility. However, the coming of age part was not overdone but neither was it thrown to the side and forgotten. It wasn’t central to the plot, but it did add depth to Spiderman’s character.

The casting was great, the score was amazing, the story moved quickly, the villain’s motivations were clear and most importantly, the plot was understandable yet entertaining. This movie was super enjoyable, and I highly recommend it. So if you haven’t yet seen it, Spiderman: Homecoming is a ticket well-spent.

Image result for spiderman homecoming

Photo Credit:
Spiderman: Homecoming–Wikimedia Commons
Tom Holland–Flickr User: George Skidmore
Spiderman–Flickr User: Hurbert M