Flint Water Crisis

Flint Water Crisis

BillyS, Staff Reporter

I think it’s preposterous that in this day and age city officials still manage to take all budget cuts and make poor decisions regarding the general well being of their own city.

Due to budget cuts that the mayor of Flint Michigan, Rick Snyder, made, the city’s water supply was allocated to older, cracked pipes that run through the Flint River, one of the most polluted rivers in Michigan.

Many residents in the Flint area have been evacuated or by choice have moved out of the area and with good reason.

Since 1978 the Environmental Department of Funds has been following the Superfund Act to allow proper distribution of government money to take care of future Crises like acid rain on the corrosion of buildings or deforestation.

The EDF is there for public service and has actively cleaned up communities over the last 30 years across the United States.

The correct alternative to using old unused pipes would be to have filed for the proper funds to support the building of new permanent pipes, of at the very least chemicals to help with the cleaning of the Flint River.