A Rant from an Angry Teenage Girl


LeahT, Copy Editor

Why are girl things considered girl things and boy things considered boy things? Why was it cool for a girl to act like a boy but not the other way around? Why was it normal for little boys to do something mean and it be condoned for no other reason but ‘boys will be boys’? Why were boys always seen as strong and girls as emotional? What’s wrong with showing emotion? Why are men in power asked the important questions while women in power get asked ‘what are they wearing?’ These are all things I’ve always wondered and never really understood. Sorry to disappoint, but today the rant is not comedic; but written with intention that someone will read this and change the way they think.

You’re probably thinking ‘wow this argument is so over done’ which it is; but that’s only because women have been fighting it for literally centuries and not that much has changed. Don’t you dare tell me ‘feminism’ is irrelevant in the western world. The only difference from the women’s rights movement in the 19th and 20th century is that today we have the right to vote like every human being should be able to. In the 21st century it’s not about changing the political view of women, but rather the social. Society has created feminism to be something only fat and ugly women participate in because they can’t get a boyfriend; not only is this offensive, but proof of sexism in the world.

Gender has separated society since the beginning of time. Feminism isn’t even about just women anymore. It’s about equality of every gender (yes every gender, there is more than two). It’s for all the people who don’t let themselves cry because they don’t want to be told ‘stop acting like such a girl’ which is somehow a bad thing. It’s for all the female politicians who aren’t voted in office because of ‘that thing they get every month makes them emotional’ and would ‘cloud their judgement’ (which is not only the dumbest thing I have ever heard but the fact that grown men are afraid of the word ‘period’ is so stupid it actually gives me physical pain). It’s for all the girls told they can’t be something because it’s a male dominated field. It’s for the girls who just wanted to wear shorts in the hot summer days and are told to cover up. It’s for all the boys that were told men can’t be raped. It’s for all the girls who walk the streets, pepper spray in hand. It’s for all the people who know in their hearts that they are a different gender than the one they were assigned at birth. It’s for the people who are disregarded because they aren’t the ideal ‘manly’ man.

So please, next time you want to use ‘girl’ as an insult or  laugh at a girl for genuinely being scared of walking in the street at night time, think twice. The point of this rant isn’t to shame men. The fact that I even need to write that sentence is very sad.