Why are Songs so Catchy?

rant from a confused and irritated music fan

LeahT, Copy Editor

Have you ever noticed how popular songs have a usual sort of format? Like usually there’s some sort of opening in the beginning with a beat with four notes over and over. The melody begins after a few seconds they go through that a few times and the singing starts. The beat continues throughout the song but the melody has only has slight modifications. The song is 90% of the same lyrics over and over which is called the chorus and in between they just have the same sentences but with a few words changed but still rhyme. Does anyone else notice this? Honestly I think about this a lot. Today it’s so easy to write a song especially if the artist is really popular. For example: One Direction. Have you ever really listened to the lyrics? Half the time they don’t make sense and it’s like they don’t even try to make it rhyme. They’re so vague too but their fans buy it. Don’t get me wrong I love me a catchy tune but have you ever thought why these tunes are so catchy? I have several theories. Theory one: Repetition. The brain likes to know what to expect. Theory two: mind control. That’s it. That’s all I got.