How to Stay Awake

Advice on keeping yourself going through the school day

How to Stay Awake

Waking up when it’s dark outside is a very tough thing to do. The good news of having a school that starts at 7:20 is that you get to bail at 2:40, the bad news? It’s 7:20, also known as too-early-o’clock in the morning. The average wake up time for a Cy Woods student is anywhere between 5 am and 6 am, so we have it a bit tougher than other schools in different cities or states that like to start around an hour later at 8 o’clock. Unfortunately, I can’t offer a solution to change the opening time, that’s beyond my power as a fellow student. I can, however, offer bits and pieces of advice that I use to keep myself awake and somewhat energetic in the early hours.

Make sure you’re actually going to bed at a good time

I don’t mean to sound like your parents, but no miracle drink or magic advice will help you stay awake if you can’t get yourself to bed before midnight. If you know it’s a school night, have mercy on yourself and tell your friends you can’t hang out with them tonight. Because in case you didn’t know, sleep is actually a basic human necessity.

Get some breakfast

I’m guilty of this myself. I wake up and take an hour to get ready, so I never leave myself enough time to eat before I have to go. Lately, I’ve reminded myself to grab a banana or a granola bar, something I can eat while I drive. The difference is honestly amazing, even the smallest of breakfast foods can keep you alive until lunch. There’s no excuse for not being able to grab a quick snack before you leave.

Get off your lazy butt and do some exercise

I know, I know, ew working out in the morning? Trust me on this though, I’m not asking for jumping jacks or pushups, I hate them as much as you. The best way to wake yourself up and keep yourself awake, is to do some stretches when you get out of bed. A simple lean to the left, lean to the right, bend over and (try) to touch your toes, and that’s it. Now, you’ve got your blood flowing and your body up and running in preparation for the day.

Absolutely no coffee, hear me?

Now, this is more of a warning than advice, but it’s a good thing to take to mind. Coffee is bad for a couple of reasons. For starters, it’s practically a drug. It’s addictive, bad for you in large quantities and temporarily causes high energy paired with some shaking if you make a particularly strong cup. It also stains your teeth, yuck. The other major reason is the huge crash that follows. If you drink coffee sometime in your first period, you’re guaranteed to crash in about either fourth or fifth period, and you will crash hard. It’s overall bad for you and not worth it. Try something healthier, like good old iced water.

Try playing some loud music

Although this might not work as well in class, try turning up your earbuds and listening to some rock n’ roll or loud jazz music. Dance a little bit, don’t be afraid to tap your foot. The perfect way to keep yourself awake is listening to fast-paced, loud and exciting songs that get your blood pumping. If you’re having an extra rough day, make yourself a playlist and have it on through school as a little pick me up. It’s like coffee without the terrible bitter taste.