Girl code to flirting


Coming back to school, we can’t help but take a look around at the boys. Whether you’re outgoing or shy, you need to know how to flirt in order to survive high school. Before you go and try to make an impression on a cute boy, make sure you know the dos and don’ts of flirting.

For those of us who are too shy to strike up conversation face to face, messaging is a great way to talk to your crush. Since the conversation isn’t in person, the way you type can influence his opinion of you. It is critical to use good grammar and spelling. Guys don’t want to spend time decoding what you’re sending, so don’t make it complicated. Using correct spelling and grammar can not only make you look smarter but make it easier for your crush to fully understand you. Emojis are necessary when texting because it helps your crush know the mood of the conversation. Remember to look over a message before you send it because once it’s sent, you can’t take it back it. If you reread the message and have any doubts about it, don’t send ignore it; you’ll always end up regretting pressing send.

As much as they might deny it, boys love attention. When you flirt with your crush, always laugh at his jokes whether they’re funny or not. Giving him attention will keep him engaged in conversation and show him that you’re interested. Two things every girl should do in conversation with her crush is to ask him questions and complimenting him. Complimenting him on his athleticism and how he dresses are almost foolproof ways to show your crush you’re interested in him without being creepy.

One thing I can’t stress enough is to not come on too strong. If you’re flirting over text message or in person, remember to take it slow. Pushing yourself on a boy will only result in heartbreak. Coming on too strong can make the boy feel overwhelmed, so if the flirting happens over text, don’t blow his phone up. Just wait and be patient. Don’t become paranoid that he doesn’t like you if he doesn’t text back immediately. Imagine the roles reversed when you begin to panic over a lapse in texts, you wouldn’t want to be overwhelmed by a boy, so give him a chance to reply.

The most important thing to remember when flirting is to be confident. If a boy sees that you are confident with yourself, it automatically makes a better impression. When you begin talking to your crush, be positive; girls who focus on negatives often push boys away. Boys don’t want to deal with drama, so show them that you’re laid back and positive. Times have changed, and it isn’t up to the man to take the first step. Don’t be afraid to walk up and ask his name or begin a conversation. I know from experience that boys like to see you walk up and begin a conversation. It takes lots of pressure off of them which makes it easier for you to connect. I remember when I first flirted with my current boyfriend. He was definitely more shy at first than I was, but by using my confidence and starting conversation we were able to build more than just a flirtationship.