How Senioritis Is A Real Thing

The Real Truth About The Famous Senior Condition

January 9, 2019

It’s that time of the year again. As 2019 rolls in, and school is officially back in session, I am already hearing complaints from many students (especially the seniors like myself) about wanting another break already or being ready to graduate. It is the last semester of high school, ever, for these seniors, so you can imagine how anxious these students feel knowing that their final days are near.

Now, I must admit, that as a freshman I believed senioritis wasn’t a real thing. Senioritis is a supposed affliction of students in their final year of high school or college, characterized by a decline in motivation or performance. I couldn’t understand why upperclassman friends of mine had become so unmotivated and given up on so many things. But today, I completely understand it. Senioritis is a real thing and here’s why.

  1. Many students already know what college they’re going to.

I am thankful that I don’t fall into this category just yet, as I’m sure my motivation would be completely thrown away. But there are many seniors who already know where they are going. Once you know where you are going to spend the next four years of your life, wherever that dream- like “best school ever” place is for you, it becomes almost impossible to focus on the now as you become excited for what awaits.

  1. “It’s your senior year!”

Many students often hear the phrase, “It’s your senior year, have fun and make the best of it!” from many family members and friends. This phrase can tend to be contradicting. Adults want you to have fun, forge friendships before you leave and enjoy all of the token senior activities, but seem confused when you put aside the schoolwork? I think this is a huge catalyst for senioritis. So many students become overwhelmed by the social and planning- your- future aspects of being a senior, that school just seems like a task on their to do list.

  1. Each day is exactly the same for four years.

So I feel like this is a given that is not typically addressed. I myself can attest. When you go to class every day for the same seven periods each time, you can easily lead yourself into a monotonous cycle of schoolwork. So as a senior, it is easy to tune out and become a walking zombie after doing this for four years straight.

Even though senioritis is a very real thing that probably needs some very real solutions, you’ve got to give those seniors credit! Many of them have worked so hard to get where they are today, and are just coasting it out till they reach their future. But here’s a message to my fellow seniors, don’t completely give up just yet! You are so close to the victory. Yes, senioritis is real, but you’re a high school warrior, and warriors fight.

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