Shut the heck up (but only for a while)



Mia L., Staff reporter

From a young age I have been told that I would have to work twice as hard because of the color of my skin.
That I had to be careful of my opportunities being taken away from me
And due to beauty standards I had to give up the idea of someone ever wanting to be with me
What I wasn’t told was that somewhere in the world there was a girl who wouldn’t receive my education.
Who instead of finding love would be sold as a sex slave at the age of fourteen
So it’s a little funny to me when a gay rights activist tweets about “equality or all”
Then tweet about how “conservatives shouldn’t be allowed to have kids”
Wait, didn’t you just? What is you doin’?
Common respect doesn’t seem to exist anymore but that’s not the point of this message.
My Feminists I get it you wish for equal pay and the catcalls to stop but please think about the struggling single mother on welfare. Where’s her equal pay? What about the Girls AND BOYS who are sexual assault victims?
My Conservatives I respect your opinion but please think about how your children may deny themselves the chance to ever tell you who they truly are.
My Republicans I understand your traditional views but let’s be real we are all immigrants.
My Democrats I need you to remember that Republicans can be just as modern as you.
My Environmental terrorists spread your message but imma need you conserve lives in the process.
My believer’s in religious freedom I know your prayers all too well but please don’t use your preaching’s to force those born with the words of their god already placed.
My liberal’s I understand you like the back of my hand but let’s look back at the 1st and 9th amendment we all want progress.
Everyone speaks of a great union but then you all claim to be each other’s problems. The only hatred I hold is the ideas that set us apart.
I want you to hear me clearly when I say “MY” because at the end of the day you are my people because despite the different blood that runs through you and I. Your life is as valuable as mine.
What I’m trying to say is to my feminists, conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, environmental terrorists, believer’s, and liberal’s. I need all of you to shut the heck up for just a little while and remember that your children will look up to you one day. So remember the abused and liberty’s that some of my people may never get to experience. The oppression that is faced from day to day, or the long effects of PTSD that is endured from survivors of rape or bashings. To those who have been stripped of their most basic needs. Tell me where they fit in your list of concerns of changing the world.
Because if you listen really closely to silence you hear before you fall asleep in your beds. Just remember this; that silence is theirs.